Change Management Models-Top Proven Change Management Models-Fundamental Models for Change Management Types

Top 12 – Change Management Models

For effective transition management, you need to use change management techniques to make the change from one state to another easier by getting teams to adopt new practices. Without change management, going through transitions is more expensive and takes more time. Most people find it hard to change their ways, after all. In this article, we will cover the change management models along with equivalent matters around the topic.

This stubbornness is sure to make things more tense, bring down morale, and slow down work, which is bad news all around. So, change management helps your business succeed in the long run by letting you react more quickly to changing market conditions and customer tastes. So, change management models provide a structure for starting, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating change. This gives everyone involved peace of mind, even though the future is uncertain.

Top 12 – Change Management Models

Anything from an outside force to an internal realignment to a more systemic change could bring on changes like these. Executive communication can involve change management models for addressing implementation issues. (Sorry in advance for all the David Bowie jokes that are about to come.) Change management models can help approach organizational transformation from all sides.

The goal is to serve as a guide for making changes, dealing with the transition process, and ensuring that those changes stick. The aim of a change management framework is to facilitate the adoption of change and ultimately establish it as the new norm. In this article, we will cover the change management models along with equivalent matters around the topic.

Lamarsh Change Management Model

To apply the LaMarsh change management model, the targeted group must become more receptive and willing to experiment with new approaches. The term “people” pertains to the group intended to undergo the changes. During the initial stages of the change management process, it is necessary to address the potential risks associated with accepting and executing the changes.

There is evidence that this helps change to spread through an organisation. The LaMarsh model emphasises how important it is to change strategies in order to move forward. It focuses on the places where the change will help the most. It also makes sure that everyone knows why they are doing their work. As well as the plans for how to do them.

Theory of Nudge

The nudge theory is more of a way of thinking than a list of steps to change behavior. The nudge theory suggests that employees are more likely to adopt changes if they feel motivated to do so independently. To apply this approach, companies should consider the change from the employees’ perspective, present it as a suggestion, and regularly seek feedback.

With the help of the Nudge theory, workers can better understand how important change is and have some say in how it is carried out. It guides employees towards the decisions that upper management wants, much like a parent would guide a child. This change management framework is appealing because it aims to get your employees’ support by including them in decision-making and change management processes. If you want to see real results, combine nudge theory with another framework.

Nudge Theory suggests that we can encourage behavior change gently, without using coercion. It utilizes cognitive bias to persuade workers and guide them in the right direction, aiming to align everyone with the company’s changes for success. The choice of a change management models depends on the type of change, the organization’s culture, and the resources available.

Bridges a Model for Change

Like the Kubler-Ross transition curve, the Bridges Transition Model is a way to manage change that focuses on people. This theory says that people need to be able to let go of the past and embrace the future for change management to work well. Thus, the shifts themselves receive less attention. The Bridges Transition Model is the gold standard for helping employees through big changes.

Contrary to what most people think, the first stage of the transition model starts with a resolution. This is the part of most jobs that is the hardest. Employees need to know why the change is happening and what they can expect from it. Given that they might turn down the changes if their feelings aren’t taken into account.

At this point, the staff is not fully on board with the change or the new processes, but they are getting used to them. When problems arise, it is critical to resolve them as soon as possible and as effectively as possible so that no one becomes frustrated. Acceptance is the last step in the process of change. The workers understand why they are making the changes and what they hope to gain from them. Stressing the usefulness of the improvements is crucial in order to make the hard work of the employees visible.

Mckinsey 7-s Model

This way of thinking about change management is more complicated than others. But it is great for making big changes that affect many departments and employee levels at once. The goal of this seven-step plan is to find places where problems need to be fixed. These components are included in the McKinsey 7S model for managing transformation.

Strategy, structure, and systems are the “hard” components as they are visible and allow for greater participation. They include a company’s strategy for gaining a competitive advantage, its organizational structure, and its operational procedures. The remaining four “soft” elements, influenced by a company’s culture, include the people it employs, their skills, the way the company operates, and its values, if any.

The McKinsey 7-S model identifies problem areas, and the seven factors restore balance. For example, the model determines why a company prioritizes family values but does not offer paternity leave. Organizations can use the model to ensure that the right personnel with necessary skills cover anyone on leave, making required changes.

Kaizen Change Management Model

The Japanese word for “improvement” is “kaizen.” Transformational leadership is often done using the Kaizen method. This approach says that changes shouldn’t be one-time events but should happen over time. Kaizen supporters say that small changes made over time are more effective than a few big ones. Change management models provide a structured approach to managing changes within an organization.

Kubler-ross Change Curve

This method is best suited for smaller groups as it promotes greater interaction and discussion. Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross developed the following stages based on the idea that change triggers emotions. Understanding these stages can help facilitate the process of adapting to change.

When faced with change, people often go through these stages, and some may revisit earlier stages. While there is no one definitive way to navigate these steps, managers and human resource personnel must be equipped to handle them. Listening to employees’ concerns, identifying their origins, and offering guidance are crucial in helping them adjust.

Considering employees’ emotions throughout the process, it’s advantageous to provide a clear explanation for the necessity of changes. Being transparent about one’s own feelings towards change also encourages employees to share their thoughts and ideas.

The Kübler-Ross Change Curve shows how a person feels about change and how they react to it. It explains how employees’ emotional responses affect their motivation and performance throughout the whole change management process. The first part of the curve shows the “shock” response.

Then comes “denial,” “frustration,” and “melancholy,” which are times when productivity drops. During the experiment and selection stages, though, it starts to go up again, and during the integration stage, it finally goes up above where it started.

John Mfisher Change Management Model

John M. Fisher’s change management model looks at the different stages that people and groups go through when they decide to make a change. If managers know where their employees are in the transition cycle, they can help them deal with change better.

A manager’s ability to help an employee move up depends on whether or not he or she has the right tools. At some point, the employee will fully accept and adjust to the coming change. Fisher’s change model also looks at how people deal with change and adapt to it. Illustrating how employees’ transitions impact their development, the “Personal Transition Curve” measures individual growth.

When changing jobs, an employee may experience a range of emotions, including nervousness, excitement, fear, anger, guilt, shame, hostility, acceptance, denial, disappointment, and progress. Even though some employees may feel this way, not everyone will react the same way. One of the best things about the plan is that it takes into account how each worker is different. This method is suitable for companies with sufficient time and resources to conduct individual meetings with employees when acclimating to new policies or procedures.

Lewin’s Change Management Model

To get everyone on board with the idea of change, you should first “unfreeze” your current process and figure out how to make it better. Once you’ve decided what to do, you can start making changes and telling your employees how to best move forward. Changes must be “refrozen” or consolidated as soon as they are made and tweaked based on feedback from workers.

Change can’t happen so quickly if there are only a few steps. Lewin’s Model often suggests spreading out the “transformation” phase over a long time to deal with opposition and give enough training. Use this strategy when you have the support of upper-level management and want to make big changes to your organization or team. Change management models help organizations to minimize the negative impact of change and maximize the positive outcomes.

The Theory of Kotter

John Kotter made the Kotter 8-step transition model after he talked to more than 100 companies going through a change. It looks at the people who are affected by big changes in an organization instead of the changes themselves.

Kotter’s method for managing change is very effective because it uses trust, openness, and cooperation to turn people who are against the change at first into passionate supporters of it. This strategy is popular among change management strategies because it can predict outcomes, get everyone involved, and make it easier to put in place upcoming improvements by getting everyone to work together.

Change in the Adkar Model

The ADKAR framework is a change strategy based on best practices that can be used to help people have conversations that lead to big changes. It focuses on integrating change into the organization’s project management processes and finding out why employees don’t like change. Change managers can use the ADKAR model to find weak spots in the workflow and fix them with specific training. Even if the ADKAR approach is meant to help the organization reach its goals, it may be useful for helping workers through the change.

When compared to other ways of managing change, the ADKAR model stands out because it focuses on personal growth instead of changes to institutions. In order to make changes to an organization, people must change how they act. This is based on the ADKAR model, which comprises of five steps: awareness, desire, knowledge, capability, and reinforcement. It is based on the idea that all five steps must be present at the same time. When used together, they help make long-term changes, first for the worker and then for the company as a whole.

Model of Satir Change

Its goal is to help people become more aware of their surroundings and better able to respond to them. The main idea behind this point of view is that things can only get better over time, even if they get worse for a while. There are several change management models available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

PDSA Cycle

The PDSA Cycle is a never-ending process for improving your business by incorporating planning, action, analysis, and correction. The cycle is based on what Walter Shewhart and W. Edward Deming found in their research. The Deming Wheel and the Deming Cycle are two other names for this method.

Cycles of improvement like this one are very helpful. You can easily add every part of your strategy for managing change to the plan as a whole. But if a big change is coming to an organisation, it needs a more complicated framework. This model puts predictions and actual results side by side. You can do these four steps again and again until you get what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do all of the Models for Managing Change have in Common?

Change management models are a collection of ideas and methods for effecting organizational change. The goal is to serve as a guide for making changes, dealing with the transition process, and making sure those changes stick.

Why is it Important to Use a Model to Deal with Change?

There are many benefits to using a change management approach. Some of the benefits are better communication, more work done, less stress, and better decisions. Change management has the potential to boost morale and make the workplace a better place to be.

How do i Decide which Model of Change to Use?

Think about the changes from the point of view of your employees to find out how much the new procedures will really affect them. To help your employees learn and adapt to new ways of doing their jobs, you should choose a change management model that supports and motivates them.


A company can choose one of the top ten change management models that fits its needs best, or it can use parts of several different models. Each model takes a slightly different approach to introducing and maintaining organizational shifts. The organizational structure of a company may be better suited to one of the many available change management methods. Experts and academics combine research and practical experience to create change management frameworks. This article will analyze change management models in detail and provide multiple examples for clarity. Discover hidden gems around the world related to process of change management by clicking here.