Financial Management-What is Financial Management Meaning-Definition-Frequently Asked Questions-Examples of Financial Management

Financial Management – Definition / Meaning with Examples

Financial managers help businesses make decisions about things like getting money, taking care of debt, and figuring out how risky something is. Money is also needed to build up capital. When a business has access to information about cash flow, market trends, and other financial indicators of its health, it can make better, more strategic decisions about how to finance itself. In this article, we will discuss about financial management in brief with examples for your better understanding.

Managers of accounting, accounts payable, and accounts receivable work on a variety of financial tasks related to profit, expenses, cash flow, and credit. Capital is very important to the success of a business. Like all other things, money is limited. On the other hand, wants have no limits. This shows how important it is for all businesses to have good financial management. As an introduction to financial management, this article will look at what financial management is, how big it is, and how important it is. It will also look at financial decisions and planning.

Financial Management Definition

Managing a company’s finances means coming up with a plan and making sure it’s carried out everywhere. The CFO or VP of finance can be a huge help in creating a company’s long-term vision by giving information that guides investment decisions and gives insights into funding options, liquidity, profitability, cash runway, and other financial metrics. Here are some ways in which ERP software can help the finance department: A financial management system can help to simplify accounting, fixed asset management, revenue recognition, and payment processing, among other financial tasks. By combining these key parts, a financial management system makes routine tasks like closing out a period easier and gives real-time information about a company’s financial health.

At its most basic level, financial management is how a company uses its money to make more money and get a better return on its investments (ROI). Financial management experts organise and keep an eye on how the company’s money moves. They do everything they can to get money, whether it’s from the entrepreneur’s own savings, bank loans, venture capital, or an initial public offering (IPO). The job of financial managers is to make sure that the company has enough money to run well and grow.

Some Examples of Financial Management

Managerial finance is the study of how financial management and business administration as a whole work together. Corporate finance is another area of expertise. This is the study of how a company uses its money. To understand how IT fits into the overall goals of good financial management, you need to know a lot about it. Assigning IT resources to meet business needs is part of this topic.

Like a business plan, a financial planner can help a person figure out how much money they will need in the future and how it should be set up to help them reach their goals. The Financial Management Service helps keep the federal government’s money in order. It is part of the United States Treasury.

How does Financial Management Works?

For most jobs in financial management, you need a bachelor’s degree in business, economics, finance, or a related field. Certification isn’t required for people who work in financial management, but it’s a good idea. Candidates for jobs in financial management should have worked in the field for at least five years. Loan officer, junior tax accountant, personal financial counsellor, and accountant are all examples of entry-level jobs in finance management.

Finance managers sort through huge amounts of information to give strategic advice to higher-ups. Moreover, those in charge of a company’s money have to make sure it stays stable. They are in charge of managing the company’s investments, setting long-term financial goals, and putting together financial reports.

Risk of Financial Management

There is always some risk when you make an investment. In reality, you can’t make money without taking a risk of some kind. Contrary to what most people think, investing risks can have both good and bad results. Simply put, a risk is anything that doesn’t go as planned. Risk management involves looking into possible outcomes, weighing their pros and cons, and then deciding what to do next (or nothing at all) based on what you’ve found.


The head of the US Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, says that cyber risk is the biggest threat to the international financial system. Cybersecurity has become the most important thing for business leaders to worry about because cyberattacks on financial institutions are so public. In a world where technology drives the global economy, risk managers need to come up with ways to deal with cyber threats.

Geopolitics and the Job Market

Only a small number of businesses are ready for the effects of geopolitics on their bottom line. When doing a risk assessment, you should think about how easy it is to get to natural resources, how close you are to countries that are at war, how hard it is to talk to people from other countries, how corrupt people are, and what the rules are in your area. A company can only make money from the specific financial environment of a place if it knows it well.


If the value of Bitcoin assets goes up, it could have big effects on the world’s financial system. However, the Financial Stability Board’s research has shown that the cryptocurrency market has a lot of weak spots. Some of them are credit and operational risks, liquidity mismatches, and links to the regulated financial management system. Many Blockchain Intelligence companies have already started to invest in technology for risk management, but it is very important to keep an eye on how this sector grows.

Lessening the Risk of Climate Change

Many ways have already shown that climate change affects businesses and investments. Physical risks include losing property, having your business stop, and having to move. You also have to think about how technology is changing and what new rules are coming out. Still, no one knows how much climate change affects the economy as a whole. Experts say that climate change will have worse effects on the economy in the coming years. This means that the workplace of the future may be very different from what we are used to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it Important to Make Good Financial Decisions?

When it comes to making important financial decisions, like when and how much to save or spend, how much something costs, or how to save for retirement or other long-term investments, it helps to know a lot about money and be able to analyze your options rationally.

Why should Every Manager Know how Money Works?

Every business owner and manager needs to know how to manage money. Every business owner needs to think about and act on how his decisions will affect his finances.

How does being Good about Money Help the Future?

Smart financial management planning makes it easier for assets to grow. Eliminate debts and invest in fixed assets to enhance financial stability. This is one way to increase your wealth by being smart with your money.


Any business needs someone who knows how to manage financial risks. Many businesses hire consultants or whole teams to help them figure out how to deal with risks, how vulnerable they are, and how to get rid of them. In numerous professions, including but not limited to sales, trade, marketing, finance, and others, understanding risk is becoming increasingly crucial. To learn more, take a look at this financial management. For tips on personal finance, check out this guide specially for you.