Functions of Financial Management-What are the Functions of Financial Management-What are Financial Management Functions

Top 12 – Functions of Financial Management

Planning, organizing, directing, and regulating the financial activities of an organization are the most important parts of financial management. This process also makes it easier to use management ideas when dealing with money and money-related assets and resources. Financial management is a process that helps businesses follow the rules set by the government and do well in their fields. Finance management is a process that needs to be planned and carried out carefully. functions of financial management will be covered in-depth in this article, along with various examples for your convenience.

First, let’s agree on what we mean by “financial management.” Then we can talk about what it’s for and how it helps. Both for-profit and non-profit organizations have to work hard to make sure they have enough money. Money is probably the most important resource for any business, no matter what it does or how it makes money. But money, like all other things, is limited. Because of this, it is important for businesses to manage them well.

Top 12 – Functions of Financial Management

They know how to make financial plans, put them into action, and keep track of cash coming in and going out to make sure everything runs smoothly and makes money. Over the course of a year, CFOs are in charge of three important decisions for the company: spending/budgeting, investing, and giving out dividends. Read on to discover everything there is to know about functions of financial management and to become a subject matter expert on it.

Capital Requirement Estimation

One of the jobs of a supervisor or manager in charge of finances is to guess how much money and resources the company will need. Factors include profit, expected costs, rules, regulations, and future plans. In the world of money, estimates are very important. Estimates can help a company make more money by making sure they are well thought out.

Price Control

Many large businesses use complex cost-accounting systems to manage their finances, which may difficult to comprehend. Every day, individuals input information directly into a computer program. Additionally, computers programme to display statistically significant data on a screen regarding how people behave.

How to Get Rid of Profits

The financial leaders of the company need to decide how much of the company’s profits should be saved for future investments and how much should be given to shareholders as dividends. Some of the things that go into these decisions are the need to self-finance future programmes, the way the company makes money, and the price of its stock on the market.


The price of things, services, and products is one of the most important decisions a business makes. Without each way of thinking about and setting prices, a company’s advertising, brand, and sales would suffer.

The marketing manager gives helpful information about how changes in price might affect market demand and the company’s position in the market. This helps determine the best price. Every CFO understands the costs that come with different levels of production and the margins needed for success in a unique way. These is the important functions of financial management.

Capital Composition

When estimating the capital needs, the responsible party completes the task. Your financial strategy should include decisions about capital structure. This means looking into and analyzing both long-term debt and equity and short-term debt and equity. The main factors are how much money a company needs to raise and how much money it already has.

How Money is Split up

About net revenue, only the financial manager has the power to decide what to do. Two components of a company’s financial management system can facilitate this.

First, the company announces the dividends, and then it declares the dividend rate and, if applicable, any bonus. Second, a company can’t be sure it will reach its goals of growth, newness, or diversity if it doesn’t put its profits back into the business.

Figuring out the Capital Structure

After figuring out how much capital is needed, the decision-makers must choose the type of capital and determine how to use it. So, the best financial leaders have to choose the best mix of long-term and short-term borrowing. Companies do this to reduce capital costs and boost returns to shareholders.

Liquidity Functions

Functions of financial management are liquidity functions. Any finance manager’s main job is to make sure that the business has enough cash flow to support its strategy. Money from various sources funds the early operations of the company. There will be times when it’s better to have a second source of income.

Second, you need to plan for cash flow in your day-to-day business activities so that your company can easily pay its bills. In essence, you’ll be balancing the money you get and the money you spend. To pay its bills on time, the company needs to know where its money will come from and when it will come in from customers.

Acquisitions and Mergers

A company may have to make important strategic decisions in order to stay relevant in a crowded market. Through mergers, they can buy businesses that work well together or make new ones. Finance managers are in charge of making hard choices, like figuring out how much securities are worth.

Choices about Dividends

When deciding on dividends, the main consideration is whether or not to give dividends to shareholders. Also, several factors influence the dividend payout ratio, including the need for capital for the company’s projects, the expected return on the company’s projects in comparison to the return available to shareholders in the normal market, the stability of the dividend payment, market expectations, the trend of earnings, and tax considerations for shareholders. This is the functions of financial management.

Capital Budgeting

In capital budgeting, decisions are made about buying stocks and bonds, building new buildings, and buying new equipment. Finance executives have to weigh the benefits and risks of any big investments they want to make.

Financial Control

The finance manager’s job is to come up with a plan for getting, allocating, and spending money, as well as to set up systems and practices for keeping track of the budget. Some ways to reach this goal are through ratio analysis, financial forecasting, pricing, and managing costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is in Charge of Managing the Money?

In the public sector, duties and responsibilities are clear when it comes to financial management and performance. The Public Finance Act of 1989 says that the head executive of a government agency is the only one who is responsible for how the agency spends its money and how well it does.

What is Financial Management’s Most Important Job?

One part of managing money is taking care of cash flow. Someone needs to make the decision on how to spend the money. However, managers of financial resources have to decide between paying off debt, paying bills, paying off current liabilities, and holding stocks.

What is an Essay on Financial Management?

Managers in charge of a company’s finances are in charge of getting and distributing the money the business needs to run smoothly. Because of this, managing money is such an important part of managing money.


Furthermore, the main goal of financial supervisors, decision-makers, and other experts who help a company make financial decisions is to increase the value of the company. There’s no question that financial management notes will help a company reach its long-term goals. To learn more, take a look at these functions of financial management. Stay informed by reading more to learn more about the disadvantages of portfolio management subject.