Styles of Leadership in Management-What are the Styles of Leadership in Management-What are Leadership in Management Styles

Styles of Leadership in Management

Leadership is an ever-changing idea, so we can always learn something new about it. Most of the time, leaders change their styles to fit the situation. This is especially true for people who have been in charge for a long time because their style of leading changes over time as they learn more, work with their team, and gain experience. If you want to be a better leader, you must first understand what it means. This article starts by explaining what leadership styles are and then looks at how effective five of the most common leadership styles are. Read on to discover everything there is to know about styles of leadership in management and to become a subject matter expert on it.

The way a leader organises, motivates, and runs their team shows what kind of leader they are. Leaders with a lot of power can make political and social changes. They can get other people to do their best and reach their full potential. Think about some of the great leaders you look up to. They probably did things in different ways. Scholars have worked hard to come up with a number of useful theories and frameworks that help us see and understand these different types of leadership. Discover hidden gems around the world related to role of leadership in management, by clicking here.

Styles of Leadership in Management

The first step to becoming a strong leader is to figure out and improve your own style of leading. There are many ways to lead in management, but none of them are necessarily better than the others. The best way to lead is very personal and depends on how you and your team react to different ways of managing.

As you and your team gain more experience, you will probably change the way you lead. Because of this, it is important to know how different styles lead to different results and how to mix styles to solve the problems your team faces. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of some of the most common ways to lead in management. Check out these styles of leadership in management to broaden your horizons.

Lead Strategically

Strategic executives work at the intersection of what a company does best and what it wants to do in the future. He or she is in charge of the company’s top priorities and makes sure that everyone has stable working conditions.

Strategic thinking is a good way to lead in many places because it helps many different kinds of workers. Because of this kind of strategic direction, operations are more streamlined and everyone knows their role better.


A bureaucratic leader is always going to follow the rules. They will know exactly how to manage their staff and what to expect from them because the rules are clear.

This traditional way of doing things gives a lot of security, but it could also stop people from thinking of new ideas. Visit the Sesame employee center if you want to learn more about how to make your leadership tasks easier. When everything about your team is in one place, it’s easier to manage.


A strong affiliative leader enjoys being with the people who follow them. They worked hard to get to know everyone on the team and offer comfort and support. This method is based on the idea that teams work better when their members can get along and solve problems quickly.


People want to follow leaders who talk the talk and walk the walk. The people in charge of this strategy are good at communicating and persuading others. They give off an air of allure and mystery that can’t be denied. This makes it easier for them to get other people to follow their lead. They give the team members ideas, motivation, and energy.

I think about leaders with a lot of charisma, like the Dalai Lama and Gautama Buddha. They make people feel welcome and strong wherever they go. This is what is meant by the word “aura.” I like leaders who have charisma, whether they were born with it or worked on it throughout their careers.

Charming leaders are sure of what they can do and how to do it. They have strong personalities and almost never change their minds about what to do. The might be able to change the minds of a lot of people. They encourage their workers and have faith in what they can do. They set good examples for their employees and expect everyone to do well.


Leaders who, as the name suggests, show their teams how to do things right. A pacesetter is someone who leads by example and encourages others to work hard. Over time, people who follow this kind of leadership might get tired of it.

But you can do even more if you have a group of people who are as excited and determined as you are. Laissez-faire leadership is a styles of leadership in management where the leader gives subordinates freedom to make decisions and take initiative.


Leaders who are “let it go” usually give tasks to their teams without keeping an eye on them. Leaders believe that their employees will do their jobs and reach their goals in the best way possible, so they give them a lot of freedom. This kind of leadership can be helpful for teams with skilled, experienced workers who can be trusted to run themselves.

When leaders stay out of the way, employees often say they feel more trusted and in charge of their jobs. But it often makes employees less productive because they don’t know what they’re supposed to do or where they’re supposed to go.


People generally agree that democratic leadership is better than autocratic rule. Before making a big decision, Democratic leaders talk to and hear from their team members. Even though the manager has the last word, employees like to be heard. Having a democratic government has a lot of good points. It helps lower-level workers learn how to lead and make decisions, which are important skills for moving up in the company.

Managers can also make better business decisions with the help of insightful data provided by employees with specialized expertise. The biggest problem with democratic leadership is that it can take a long time to make decisions on important issues because it takes time to organize discussions and get feedback from employees before making a choice.


The transactional style of leadership is based on giving credit and rewards to employees based on how well they do their jobs. To motivate their teams, transactional executives often give rewards based on how well their teams do.

This could include giving money to people who meet certain goals or taking action against those who don’t. This kind of leadership can be helpful in laying out the team’s goals and tasks, but it could also make people less likely to do their best.


Leaders who can bring about change in their organizations do so by sharing their vision and getting their teams excited about working towards it. Transformational leaders often give their teams simple goals and checkpoints at first, but those goals and checkpoints are always changing so that the team members are pushed out of their comfort zones.

This kind of leadership is more likely to come from managers who care about their workers and are interested in what they do. These managers often give their employees new tasks in the hopes that it will help them grow as professionals and make them more productive.

With this style of leadership, you can get more out of your team members, but they may struggle to keep up with the work. When you use transformative leadership, it’s important to give your staff tools that will help them reach their goals.


Like the style that came before it, servant leadership is characterized by a strong focus on the success of the group. Even though emotional health is important to servant leaders, they also look for ways to help their teams in the real world. So, both the manager and the worker will have a lot of trust in each other. Democratic leadership is a styles of leadership in management where the leader involves subordinates in decision-making and values their opinions.


Approaches to leadership based on participation are based on democratic principles. The goal is for every team member to help make decisions. Because of this, everyone on the team is more dedicated, excited, and eager to help. Most of the time, the leader has the last word on a decision. But when people in a group have different ideas, it can be hard to come to a decision.

When work is led in this way, everyone involved feels a lot of support, inspiration, and happiness in their work. This helps the group think outside the box and makes them more productive. Involving many people in the decision-making process results in a longer time to decide. In the same way, communication can sometimes break down.


Autocratic or authoritarian leadership tries to get the most work done and the best results while getting as little help as possible from team members. Many people think that autocratic leadership doesn’t work because people who follow it often feel unhappy and unappreciated. Autocratic managers make decisions without asking their employees what they think, and they expect their employees to do whatever they say.

Sometimes a leader with a lot of power is the best choice. Executives who are authoritarian, for example, tend to make decisions quickly and give clear instructions that help employees understand the goals of the organization. Businesses can make the workplace less stressful by relieving employees of the need to make important decisions.


There are some similarities between autocratic and authoritative styles, but they are not the same. Autocratic or authoritative leaders are also sure of themselves and don’t mind giving orders.

People often call leaders who use this style “visionaries” instead of “autocrats” because they take the time to explain their ideas, guide their teams, and encourage their employees to grow. Autocratic leadership is a styles of leadership in management where the leader makes all the decisions and expects strict obedience from their subordinates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Type of Management Style is Most Effective for You?

When a manager has a plan for the group or company as a whole, his or her power grows. These people give off a lot of self-assurance and drive. A manager with a strong presence can show their team the big picture and how they plan to get there.

In What Situations Would a Leadership Style Fail?

Leadership fails when managers can’t give employees clear instructions and coordinate their work. It could cause projects to move slowly, employee morale to drop, communication problems, and uneven work.

How do I Choose a Way to Lead?

In any given situation, a person’s style of management will depend on how well they know themselves. To choose the best way to come to a decision, you need to know your own skills, the skills of your team members, and where your own knowledge is lacking.


The first and most important step in becoming a better leader is to figure out what works and what doesn’t. You and your team will have the best chance of succeeding if you know the most common ways to lead in business and can switch between them as needed. If you want to be a better leader, you should find a style that works for you and stick with it.

No matter how big or small your team is, they will remember how you lead them. Here are some good places to start. First, you need to decide what your goals are. Once you know where you’re going, it will be easier to get other people to come with you. Check out these styles of leadership in management to broaden your horizons.