Styles of Management-What are the Styles of Management-What are Management Styles

Top 12 – Styles of Management

Previously, managers defined their style by utilizing their position to accomplish tasks. People used to think that there was only one best way to lead a team, no matter what they were doing or where they worked. It was believed that the best way to run a business was through command and control because it emphasized punishments rather than rewards. We will go over the styles of management in detail in this article.

The style of management or leadership demonstrated by a manager or leader reflects how they accomplish tasks. So, it includes how a manager talks to and watches over their team as well as how they plan and organize tasks in their area of responsibility. Acting and leading is also crucial, not just what they do. Gain valuable insights on the purpose of management topic by reading this in-depth analysis.

Top 12 – Styles of Management

A manager’s management style is how they try to reach the goals of the organization. In this article, we will cover in-depth various styles of management and provide you with various examples for your convenience. You can show your style of management through how you make decisions, lead and direct your team, and organize and assign tasks. Remember, there is no rule that dictates you must manage the same way throughout your entire career.

Pace-setting Management Style

There are several styles of management, including autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transformational, and transactional styles. Leaders who use a pace-setting style of management usually have high expectations for their employees and put a lot of value on productivity.

These managers are always looking for ways to get more done, and they expect the people they supervise to do the same. Employees may trust their boss if they think he or she has the same high expectations for the team as they do, but they may also feel like they have too much to do.

Delegate Management Style

Delegate management is a middle ground between the more extreme forms of the “let it go” approach and the more traditional forms. Managers continue to delegate authority by giving tasks to subordinates and stepping back to let them finish them.

Delegative managers also keep an eye on progress and make changes to the project as it goes along. Styles of management that encourage delegation, like the “open door” policy, work best in places where top performers are trusted to do the job right the first time. Those who do best when they have the freedom to make their own choices will like this style of leadership because it encourages them to take the lead and work better together on projects.

But because the delegative style tends towards a “hands-off,” “let’s see what happens” attitude, workers may feel unfocused and uncared for, which can lead to less work getting done.

Style of Transactional Management

Managers who focus on transactions often use bonuses and stock options to get their employees to do what they say. Their motto is, “Anything you do for me, I’ll do for you.” But psychological studies show that money and other forms of extrinsic motivation lose their effect over time and may even make your team less motivated. Over time, giving money as a reward to employees who are internally motivated will create a self-perception loop.

Employees would judge their own motivation based on what they did, leading them to think that they were only motivated to do well because their managers gave them stock options instead of because they really cared about the success of the team. When it comes to doing good work, motivation from outside is more important than motivation from inside, and vice versa.

Democratic Management Style

For democratic management to work, workers must involve. These executives talk with their teams before making business decisions or presenting ideas. Employee morale is high because people encourage to try new things and have their opinions heard.

This way of running a business can make employees happier and more loyal. In contrast, the democratic styles of management involves empowering employees to participate in decision-making and sharing in the decision-making process.

Style of Transformational Management

Transformational leaders push employees to reach their full potential, encourage creativity and have a positive impact.

Management Style for Coaching

Coaching managers prioritize personal growth and team cohesion, and invest in training and mentoring programs. Styles of management refer to the different approaches and techniques used by managers to lead and direct their teams.

Autocratic Style of Management

One thing that makes authoritarian management stand out is that it puts a lot of emphasis on productivity at the expense of employee autonomy and teamwork. A leader who is authoritarian has full control over the people who work for them and closely watches that they follow all policies and procedures.

Some parts of this style of management could be helpful in times of crisis, when new workers need strict rules to follow. The autocratic styles of management involves making decisions without the input of subordinates and providing strict direction to employees.

Servant Management Style

Managers do this when they put the needs of their employees ahead of their own. Employee happiness is prioritized over team success for a positive work atmosphere, with mutual effort expected. Because of this, people may get lazy and do work that is, at best, just okay.

If a servant manager puts too much emphasis on team development, employees who like to see results for their work may not be happy with them. They might feel like they can’t do their best because they have to spend so much time on trust lapses.

Laissez-faire Management Style

Laissez-faire CEOs have faith in their workers and don’t manage them closely. Leaders trust employees to work independently in this management style. When it comes to highly skilled workers, the best way to run a business is in a laid-back way.

When these kinds of workers give more freedom to do their jobs, they often show more initiative and self-control. The laissez-faire styles of management is a hands-off approach that allows employees to have a high level of autonomy in decision-making and task execution.

Bureaucratic Management Style

Leaders who use a bureaucratic style of management give tasks to their employees within a strict set of rules. They care more about doing what the rules say than about helping each other.

When bureaucratic bosses provide clear goals and tasks to each worker, it enhances the efficiency of work from the top down. However, this management style is suitable for companies with strict rules, but not for places where originality is valued.

Strategy for Running a Business

Managers who focus on the big picture don’t worry about the details of everyday tasks. They care more about the big picture and how the company will grow in the future. Delegate day-to-day tasks to assistant managers and shift leaders as a strategic manager. After the staff has done their regular jobs, you can focus on more strategic things, like growing your marketing efforts.

Management Style with Charisma

People who follow charismatic leaders like and respect them, and they care a lot about the success of the organisation. Charismatic leaders unite followers around a common goal through personal connections. This style of management makes workers who are helpful, engaged, and driven.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most Common Ways of Running a Business?

There are numerous management techniques. Autocratic is the most controlling of the three main management styles, while laissez-faire is the least.

What do you Think the Importance of Management Styles Is?

Learning diverse business methods can improve current performance and prepare me for future leadership roles. Understanding your manager’s style will also make it easier for you to talk to and work for them. There is no way to separate how a manager and his or her employees talk to each other.

How do Styles of Management Affect Businesses?

The way a company treats its workers significantly impacts their loyalty to the company. Optimizing management style for context improves employee morale and productivity, research confirms.


Different ways of running a business don’t have to be better or worse. There are a lot of different ways to lead a team. Learn about 6 leadership styles and their relation to good management in this article.