Role of Change Management-What is the Role of Change Management-What is Change Management Role

Top 12 – Role of Change Management

When dealing with organizational change, it is important to think about the people who will be affected. Managers must encourage open, constructive, and goal-focused communication to make change management work. They use tools like communication journeys to inform and encourage employees and keep them updated. Monitoring goal progress and milestones is crucial to meet deadlines, avoid resource waste, and ensure clear communication. At this point, it’s important to manage change well. This article discusses in detail about role of change management.

During the service transformation process, ITIL stresses how important change enablement, which is also called change management, is. How well an organization handles change requests (CR) in response to end-user, technical, functional, or larger business needs is a good way to measure how mature it is. Change management is a way for a company to be proactive about reducing the risks and problems that come with new processes and technologies. The IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) gives a reliable structure for doing tasks like change management and change enablement. To help you do that, this essay will go over the responsibilities for change management that are recommended by ITIL. Even if you don’t use the ITIL standard, you can make your change management processes more efficient with the help of these positions.

Top 12 – Role of Change Management

The change management process starts with a change request, but it doesn’t end until the change is put into place. To improve future procedures, it is important to look at the process, change the protocols, and give feedback to team members. Studies have shown that good management of people during a change initiative has a big effect on the likelihood of the project’s success. Good change management increases the chances of success of change projects six times more than others. This article discusses in detail about role of change management.

People Whose Lives will Change

Change isn’t always easy to make happen because it can affect people in different ways. Change can affect a person’s or group’s career, mental health, emotional life, and physical health on many different levels. These results could be bad or good, depending on how they turn out. Someone might think the change is terrible, while someone else might think they’ve won the lottery. Transformation affects employees, customers, stakeholders, vendors, and leaders. Change management identifies who the change affects, how it affects them, and the extent of the impact. Understanding their reactions determines whether the change goals are met or hindered.

Project Management

The project manager and management team will create a plan that outlines the steps they will take, tasks they will complete, deliverables they will produce, and deadlines they will meet. A big part of the project team’s job is to come up with and put into action a way for upper management and workers to share information. Moreover, effective communication is key to a successful process that leads to a change that works well. The role of change management is critical to the success of any organizational transformation.

During the change management process, it is the job of the project manager and the project management team to list the deliverables. Change leaders in project management will set goals, milestones, and short-term and long-term goals for their teams and agents. The management team will come up with tasks and activities to move the change forward based on a strategic project plan that gives each team member specific responsibilities. When a company changes its direction, it has to change its internal software and processes. Since the day-to-day work of a project management team is based on processes and procedures, the team feels the effects of a change in the organization.


Efficiency and the idea of a change sponsor are both ways of talking about the same thing. The role of a change sponsor is built on the idea that leaders need to be involved in a change. Leaders need to do more than just sign the mandate and say they’ll get the resources. Change leaders need buy-in from those overseeing affected individuals.

Effective leaders shift conversations and personalize change reasons. Aligning all work with set goals ensures project success. So that employees know what to work on right now, managers need to prioritize their work and organize it based on importance.

Leaders of those who were Hurt

Change management helps organizations handle unexpected or perceived negative impacts of a project affecting people. The change will affect those who must change their habits for the transition to go smoothly. The affected leaders must lead, motivate, and influence their teams. In addition, the role of change management is to minimize the resistance to change within an organization.

Employees were Affected

We’ll end by talking about how your new ERP system or streamlined company procedures will change the lives of your employees. No matter what business you’re in, these people are the heart and soul of your company, and you should treat them as such.

That’s exactly what you should do to take their feelings and points of view into account as you design. There are real, common, and predictable emotional barriers to change. If you have the right tools, they’re also easy to run.

Focusing on what your employees need is important if you want to get the economic results you want and avoid conflict. We think it’s important to train end users and make it easy for them to talk to each other. When problems or complications come up, employees should let the team know what’s going on.

Change the Owner, Assignee, and Implementer

The person who has been given the responsibility of being the CR owner. The Change Tester can replace the Change Requestor and write and send requested changes. Prior to addressing a change request, the responsible party must ensure all tests are complete. The person who made the change will write down how long the request will be open. The role of change management is to ensure that the organization is ready and capable of adapting to change.

People who Make Changes

When the people who are changing and their leaders are on the same page, it means that the change is going well. Change management experts offer advice and data that organizations can use to determine what factors promote or hinder unity.

As the number of companies that need to change often or see the value of change grows, it gets harder to track and measure this alignment. Change practitioner training from LaMarsh Global gives them the tools they need to do a high-level evaluation of a change project and collect the data they need to find possible risks.

Due to its speed and complexity, modern development needs a lot of resources and help. The change practitioner’s job is to make sure that top-level executives have the information and tools they need to do their jobs well. No matter how busy they are, leaders must always find time to do what they are supposed to do.

When putting change management strategies into action, you should consider change practitioners. These experienced professionals will handle the “human side” of your ERP rollout or business transformation. They will put in the time and effort needed to keep an eye on the change management processes at each interface. They will create and utilize a formal change management process for the project to help achieve this goal. The customised and scalable strategy they make for you will give you access to steps you can take to move your transformation forward.

Change Manager

In addition, the success of a change project rests on the change manager and their support staff. As the public face of the company’s change, the change manager focuses on projects that impact team members and customers.

They supervise, manage, and direct the transition, aiming to make it as smooth as possible. The change manager leads and coordinates the transition for internal and external stakeholders. They approve or reject change requests, oversee implementation, gather feedback, and evaluate success for upper management. Change managers start and end the process.

On the other hand, the change manager is in charge of how the people in the company are affected by the change. This person is in charge of making sure that the whole process of global change goes smoothly. They’ll keep upper management up to date on what’s going on and let them know how things are going.

This position is in charge of the budget, the scope, the timeline, and the availability and distribution of resources. The change manager’s job is to get support from key players, figure out how successful change projects are as a whole, and keep upper management informed. Besides, a key role of change management is to communicate the need for change and its benefits to employees.

Buy-in Crucial for Change Management

During the change management process, it is very important for leaders to get support from key stakeholders, other leaders in the organization, and team members. The recent organizational changes for the company’s new strategy, culture, and digital-technology foundation will affect every team member.

Leaders of change management often use communication journeys to streamline communication and teach team members about the change process. People do this to get employees involved and moving. Open communication and understanding are key for stakeholder and team buy-in. Completing core change management tasks is necessary to implement change that increases ROI, CX, and competitive edge.

Change Requestor

Someone or a group of people who have to start, write up, and send in a revision request. Moreover, the Change Coordinator assists with data collection and stakeholder outreach. The requester collaborates with the change management team to ensure accurate impact assessment.

Change Approver

Before sending a change request for final approval, the approver needs to approve it. To obtain approval, one must discuss it with the appropriate parties. The Change Approver ensures readiness for the Change Manager and CAB’s decision-making. The role of change management is to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing change.

ECAB Team Members

The Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) is responsible for making sure that the business will still be able to run if something unexpected happens. After the emergency change is made, the ECAB group will look at how well it worked. The board has made a list of possible ways to stop this kind of disaster from happening again.

If a company doesn’t have an ECAB, it might have to keep dealing with situations that are bad for sales, morale, and productivity. Every member of the team must do their part for any organisational change to be successful. Some people oversee and manage the change, while others implement new procedures and adjust to the new situation.

ECAB members are crucial in dealing with emergency changes, which are among the most challenging. Unlike organizational changes, emergency changes require immediate implementation. For example, in situations like cyber security breaches, the change manager and ECAB team may make quick changes to avoid potential harm.

Quick action is necessary to prevent negative consequences. Business leaders should prioritize addressing problems that require immediate fixes to minimize downtime. After implementing emergency changes, the ECAB team evaluates their success and collaborates on developing a plan for dealing with organizational changes to keep the business safe and prepared.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is in Charge of Change Management?

Change coordinators or managers of change are responsible for ensuring the smooth execution of all aspects of an IT upgrade. They put proposed changes in order of importance, think about how they might affect things, and then either approve or reject them. They also talk about how to deal with changes in an organization and how to come up with new plans.

Why is Change Management Important?

A company’s growth and success depend on how well it can adapt to organizational change. Managing change helps an organization put in place and use new procedures and processes in the best way possible. Workers can fully understand their shift, commit to it, and do their best work throughout the shift.

Which is the most Important Part of Change Management?

When real organizational transformation is being done, the human element is very important. People make up organizations, and those people will be the ones to judge how well the leaders handle the change. From the top leaders to the newest recruits, everyone is here.


Change management is based on a lot of different ideas and theories, but they all have some things in common. Making a strong case for the change is important. Coming up with a plan for making the change happen is necessary. Keeping an eye on its progress and effects is vital. Change management is essential for the success of digital transformation projects. This article will cover the role of change management in-depth, providing various examples for your convenience. For a detailed analysis of types of change management, read further.