Types of Change Management-What are the Types of Change Management-What are Change Management Types

Top 15 – Types of Change Management

Even though change is something every business has to deal with, many only react to it instead of planning for it. Change management is a business strategy that involves figuring out what needs to change and how to make it happen. Organizations can keep the trust and support of their employees and customers by using change management strategies that are good for both parties. We will go over the types of change management in detail in this article.

Change management is a way to make updates or changes to an organization’s goals, methods, or technology in a planned way. The goal of change management is to put in place plans for bringing about change, keeping things stable during transitions, and making it easier for people to adjust. For more information on the importance of change management subject, keep reading.

Top 15 – Types of Change Management

Rather than treating change management as a single idea, it’s best to follow a set of best practices and lessons learned for both internal and external change management. Change management is the process of figuring out how to add new systems and practices to an existing business without making too much trouble. Changing from one setup to another is more challenging for service institutions. This process is ongoing and often goes against itself, which creates both problems and opportunities. Continue reading to become an expert in types of change management and learn everything you can about it.

Incremental Changes management

There is a steady rise and fall to these changes. Upgrades to existing technology and growing the market are two examples of changes that are reasonable and don’t change much from the past. Incremental changes refer to changes that occur at smaller levels, such as the micro, unit, or sub-unit level. These changes involve taking small steps to ensure easy adaptation.

The theory says that even small changes can have a big effect and lay the groundwork for a stronger, more stable system. Organizations can use this to their advantage by thinking about what they’ve done in the past and changing their strategies as a result. Slow implementation of change causes less damage than making it global or widespread.

Management of Planned Change

Planned change, also known as developmental change, aims to improve processes and achieve pre-set goals. It change is intentional and safe because the future state is chosen by someone. Planned change projects aim to improve worker health and happiness, payment structure, product/technology introduction, reorganizing structure, building stronger teams, enhancing internal communication, and improving technical skills. There are several types of change management that organizations can use to facilitate transitions effectively.

Change Management that is Reactive

Changes in behavior that happen because of an event or series of events are called reactive changes. Most businesses don’t make changes until after something bad has happened. When customer interest in a company’s products goes up or down, this kind of change is common. Another possible meaning is how an organization handles a problem.

To keep up with the ever-increasing level of competition in today’s market, many businesses must spend more on technology to keep up with the latest innovations in their field. An organization can view recreation as a means to provide a defensive makeover in response to a crisis.

Piecemeal Changes Management

One can make changes to some aspects of a plan and leave others untouched. For example, when faced with increased competition, it’s possible to modify a functional plan without affecting other plans. Human change management is a types of change management that focuses on managing changes in human behavior, attitudes, and perceptions.

Management of Organizational Change

Changes in the way an organization’s culture is managed. People often talk about “the human side of change management.” Changes that have to do with organizational change management include mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, process changes, and cultural transformations.

It talks a lot about how important the people involved in the change process are and how important it is to “socialize” the change to make people less resistant to it and more open to it. Most of the time, the HR department or the top executives are in charge of managing organizational change.

The main goal is to turn negative actions, like fighting, into positive ones, like better planning and strategies. The goal is to make sure that people are open to new ideas and experiences.

Fundamental Change Management

When an organization goes through a major change, its vision and mission are taken into account again. This could be very important in a crisis, like when morale is low, productivity is low, leadership has failed, or there has been a big change in staff.

Program Change Management

For a programme to be successful, it must be able to keep track of how its portfolio of ongoing projects changes to meet its goals. Programs can only change the culture of an organization so much before they only care about their mission.

A programme manager and a change control board are common administrative structures for managing changes to a programme. The aim is to strike a balance between the change requirement, programme goals, and budgetary constraints. Changes are prioritized based on their potential cost, associated risks, and expected timeline.

Departmental & Team Change Management

When working in an environment that isn’t predictable, departments and teams often come up with their own change management plans. Departmental change management prioritizes important changes to increase success rates despite limited resources. When a lot of new technologies come out at once, IT departments may use IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) change management or other tried-and-true methods to handle the changes.

Management of Operational Change

This kind of change becomes necessary or essential when an organization has to deal with competition. As a result, the focus is put more on improving quality or service delivery to give the organization a competitive edge. When customer tastes or expectations change or when the company’s internal operations change, it becomes necessary to make corresponding changes to the operations.

To put it simply, operational change means making changes to ongoing processes to make them better. One can improve the distribution system or product delivery and encourage collaboration between departments as a means of achieving this.

Management of Cultural Change

This way of leading change in an organization is based on how its employees already act and what they already do. To do this, you need to create a place that encourages and rewards innovation, originality, and working as a team.

Businesses must keep up with changes in technology if they want to stay in business. Cultural change management is a types of change management that focuses on changing an organization’s culture, values, and beliefs.

Changes that are Normal

Changes that are not urgent, also called “normal changes,” do not need special permission. A data center switch is a common but high-risk change that may need approval from a change advisory board and a risk assessment. A change authority, automated inspections, or peer review can swiftly approve changes that do not pose any risk to the system.

Management of Directional Change

If there’s increased competition or swift changes in government regulations affecting import/export policies, pricing structures, taxation policies, etc., an organization may need to revise its strategy. If the current strategy isn’t effective or requires a shift in direction, the organization must consider changing its strategy.

Management of Strategic Change

Usually, strategic changes are made at the organizational level, where they can have a big effect on a lot of different parts of an organization as well as its overall strategy. For example, a strategic transformation could be when a company decides to change the way it runs.

Toyota, a multinational company, will modify its organizational philosophy to reap the benefits of a leaner structure. This includes flexibility, decentralized decision-making, autonomy, and proactive decision-making. However, this change will have a significant impact on the company, potentially leading to lower productivity.

Changes Needed Quickly

Changes happen when problems or threats arise that need quick action to fix the service or safeguard systems. To avoid any delay, emergency changes must be dealt with quickly.

When classifying changes, take into account the company’s structure, risk appetite, and operations. Instead of implementing a uniform policy, it’s best to assess risks on a case-by-case basis. By learning from past events and systems, more changes can be standardized. The goal of modern change management is to make the change request process easy for everyone involved.

Project Change Management

Change management is a big part of every project management method. Projects are short-term plans to reach certain goals. Change is a part of most things you do. Change management is the process of putting changes into the different stages of a project in a planned way.

We evaluate changes based on their potential impact on price, quality, risk, and gain. We assess the likelihood of plans and schedules being delayed or altered. The project team either rejects change requests or incorporates them into the project. In numerous industries, over 50% of projects fail.

Change is an issue that always comes up when talking about project management. IT change management is a types of change management that focuses on managing changes to an organization’s technology systems and infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most Difficult Thing about Change Management?

Researchers from Prosci asked people to list the five most common problems they ran into. There was no help or support from the very top. Inadequate dialogue exacerbated misalignment. There was opposition because neither the change nor the proposed solution went over well.

What’s the most Important Thing about Change Management?

Effective communication is the key to making any change management strategy work. Conversation is the glue that holds everything together, and with the right conversation, anything is possible. To get past the fears and frustrations that change can bring, people need to talk to each other in an open and honest way.

Why do we Need Change Management?

There are many benefits to change management that works well. Some of the benefits are better communication, more work done, less stress, and better decisions. Change management has the potential to boost morale and make the workplace a better place to be.


To grow and do well, a company must learn how to handle change well. Without it, new projects might fail, which could lead to complacency or even less work. On the other hand, businesses can benefit from effective and efficient change management by preparing for and responding to new challenges and growth and development opportunities. The types of change management will be covered in-depth in this article, along with some examples for your convenience.